sugar snap pea experiment

May 01, 2010 22:52

I'm attempting to grow a 4 by 4 foot bed of sugar snap peas using a horizontal trellis. Bamboo canes with bit of branches still on them are used for the corner posts. Twine is tied in an outer square and then every 6 inches in 2 directions additional twine is tied to the square. I use the bits of branches to secure the outer squares at the height I want them to be. I expect to have to do another layer every 6 inches of vertical growth or so.

Here is the first layer:

and here is the second layer (with reinforcing cross bars):

I waited a bit long to add that second layer and I had to cut many tendrils to get it in place. I'm adding the third layer very soon and will try to stay one layer ahead.

This may turn out to be a horribly labor intensive method.

I'm curious if the center plants will survive as they grow taller of if they will suffer from too much shading.

vegetable: pea

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