More plant ID requests and a tiny flower bed &garden glimpse

Apr 14, 2010 17:06

Just wanting to satisfy a few curiosities brewing inside after a leisure trip around the yard with my dog. I found a mint of some kind, a lambs ear, some other mint with some pink things on it... then I wandered around to the side and the front to check out what I have growing out there. We just bought this house in November so I still don't know what the heck any of this is.

Plus, a photo or two of my outdoor garden so far and my basement garden. Woohoo!


Mint w/ strange pink things on it.




Lambs ear? I didn't see it when I was moving those rocks around, but I certainly crushed it. It's very soft. Mmmmm. Soft.


Another mint. Just smells like a disgusting mint. I'm no good at distinguishing mint scents.


Close up. I believe this is the one I ripped the top off of to smell.


Just around the corner from the other mint, next to some little purple flowers that we have all over the yard. IDK what those are either.


Bad picture, has little yellow flowers on it, it's probably just some crappy weed, but it's so big it was just calling out for me to take a photo of it!


ONTO THE REAL PLANTS! HOORAY! F- weeds. We hates them. They're boring.


I think this is a rose of some kind. We have at least three of these along the side/front flower beds. I didn't know roses died back during the winter, I thought they just turned brown and crusty, but this is all new growth. You can sort of see the thorns on it. The other thorny bushes that I didn't get a photo of, have kind of a maroon/purple tinge to them. This one is planted in full sun and the maroon/purple ones are in half.


I kind of know what these are but don't know the name of them. Snow bells? Or something? Am I wrong? There's tons of these all over the side flower bed in full sun.


Little weird cartoony cabbage looking plant growing in the middle of whatever #6 is.


Have a couple of these. They look like mini palm trees or something. These are in kind of a half-sun area.


Over on the full or mostly shade side of the house, we have this along most of the garden bed. There's one little yellow daffodil over there and some irises or something trying to spread, but mostly this. Whatever it is, I really like it. The leaves are kind of small, only maybe 2" long right now, like some kind of mini hosta or something.

Well you lasted that long so here's some fun pictures:

Two raised beds waiting to be planted in. The tomatoes were kind of in dire need of being separated and planted, so they went out first. These are "super beefsteak" tomatoes, just some generic Walmart seed. I wanted them to be indoor tomato plants but that was back when I didn't know what determinate & indeterminate were. These are indeterminate.
I will be starting some smaller tomato plants inside whenever I get around to it, becauuuuse... I have an indoor basement garden:

This is an older picture, but this is my indoor basement garden. In the pots at the bottom are the tomatoes when they were much smaller.
From L-R: Sweet banana peppers, little habaneros in a greenhouse plastic tube thingy, cat grass sprouting in a food container, cucumbers, lettuce, more lettuce, and then a bell pepper mix with a huge tomato plant growing in the wrong spot.
I have learned many things from this tiny basement garden. For one, almost ALL of these need to go outside ASAP. From now on I will only be growing a small amount of pepper plants in pots, much smaller tomatoes in pots, and in those tubs will only be salad greens, radishes, and half-size carrots.
Also, pepper plants are HARD to start. They are slow. And seriously, I planted way too many. Why? Why the heck did I do that? Arrgh.

Here's the basement garden, acclimating to the outdoors in the porch, chillin' next to some seedlings waiting to get planted. On the left I have onions in the cups, next to a Jiffy pot tray of broccoli and brussel sprouts, next to another Jiffy net-ball tray of more onions, sugar snap peas, and snow peas.
Then from L to R in the tubs: The banana peppers, habanero peppers, leaf lettuce, bell pepper mix, more lettuce, and cucumbers.
Then to the right of the tubs, a giant catnip plant, a little egg carton of spinach seedlings, and cat grass trying to revive itself after being nommed nearly to death.

Edit: Wow! Thank you guys so much for the fast comments. Wanted to do a mass thank-you before I get to individual comments, if I do. I really appreciate it and I'm so happy I found this community.
I will be tearing up all that mint - IDK what it is but I don't want it there and despite my BF saying he will make us mint julips which intrigues me, it's not *my* mint therefore it's gotta go. Those lilies of the valley will be GTFO'ing eventually as well but it's not a high priority yet. As far as the rest goes, I guess I have some researchin' to do about what they are and whether I want them etc.

weeds: invasives, plant id, vegetable: cucumber, vegetable: brussels sprouts, zone: usda 6, garden method: containers, vegetables, vegetable: pepper, vegetable: tomato, vegetable: onion, garden method: raised beds, plant/garden news, vegetable: lettuce, vegetable: broccoli, vegetable: pea

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