Dec 25, 2009 17:57
1) We made guacamole last night and I now have three pretty avocado seeds that I want to try growing. I've always been unsuccessful before so any tips/tricks?
2) I live in N. Virginia (zone 5/6), when should I start seeds inside? Last year mine weren't ready and I had to buy plants from a local farmer's market which is no biggie but I want to start at least some of my own stuff from seed.
3) Our lemon tree blooms 3-4 times a year but we haven't gotten lemons since our friends gave it to us. Does it need another lemon tree to fruit or is there some other reason? The bees love it, so its definetely getting pollinated when its outside in the summer.
Thanks in advance guys!
zone: usda 5,
fruit: citrus,
fruit: avocado,
zone: usda 6