Veg fall garden prep and season extending in the colder climates

Oct 28, 2009 12:24

I'm in the process of putting the veg garden 'to bed' for the winter season... I've got the garlic in the ground and am harvesting the last of the spinach and kale.

So far I still have to mulch some leaves (I got a shredder for my birthday a while back, from my hub) and set it out in the garden, I've got hay down on the garlic. A friend suggested putting black tarp/cut up black garbage bags on top of the mulch in the empty parts of the garden, I'm going to give that a try too.

I did go ahead and set up a makeshift hoop house with garden fabric. I've planted the softneck garlic along with more spinach and kale, it's sort of an experiment. We'll see how it goes, Ive never done this before.

In the meantime it's pouring and I have four to five foot high piles of leaves mocking me from outside. They're gonna weigh a TON tomorrow when I go to rake and shred them.

What's everyone else doing with their veg gardens? Anyone trying winter plantings in the colder climates?

I'm on the border of zones 5 and 6 in NW Connecticut.

zone: usda 5, season extension

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