Cala Lilys

May 07, 2009 10:24

Last year I bought a Cala Lily and planted it in honor of my yougest daughter (Lillian)  I was sad when it didn't pop up this spring.  Though I wasn't terribly surprised becuase we have a mole issue and one of the tunnles kept popping up (despite my repeated squashing) right where I had planted it.

A week ago I saw some odd looking shoots in the garden and I left them alone to see what was going to grow.  It seems that my Cala Lily went to seed last year and there are 3 new baby plants coming up.

I know that Day Lilys are perenials and grow like mad (i've got somethat are getting too close to my rose bush darn it!) but I'm now wondering if the Cala Lilys are perenials as well.  If so, then I guess the durn moles ate and/or disrupted the original plant to the point of no-return.  If they're anuals, I need to do some research on how to keep the seeds for when its time to move away from our little starter-house.

As far as those new plants go: do Cala Lilys self-polinate as well as cross-polinate?  I only had the one plant and I can't think of any neighbors who had them, but it would be interesting to buy a couple different varieties and see what good ol' mother nature comes up with.  I've done some reading about how to breed your own variety of Day LIlys and it seems like it would be an interesting and not too dificult project to undertake.

flower: lily, zone: usda 6, propagation: other methods

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