Mar 27, 2009 15:21
I can't believe it! My large handful of Japanese iris seed is beginning to sprout!
What gets my goat is how doggone EASY it was!
All I had to do was gather the seed pods and get the seed out of them. Then I tied the seed up in the foot of some pantyhose and I put them in the watertank on the "throne" for two months. The seed need frequent water changes so they don't get eaten up with bacteria and the throne's flushing action takes care of this nicely. Then after the two months were done, I took the seed out of the throne tank and wrapped them up in a wet papertowel and I put it into a ziploc bag. I put the ziploc bag into the refrigerator for 4 months of chilling.
With the 4 months done, I took the seed out of the refrigerator and they are already beginning to sprout!
I'll be potting these rascals up the rest of today.
flower: iris,
plant health,
propagation: seed starting,
propagation: seed saving,
proper care for...