We've had a strange winter here in the Greater NY area. Above average snow, below average temps. Until about 5 days ago. I think we've broken a record high today. Weird.
Since I'm the most impatient gardener ever, I wanted to put in some spinach but it was faaaaar too cold, so I started them indoors. I figured I'd wait until they developed some real leaves before I put them outside. However, this weekend is supposed to be quite nice-- perfect planting weather. However, the spinach was slow to germinate and have not developed true leaves.
I've also heard that spinach does not like to be transplanted. I've had no luck with sowing directly into the ground around here. We've got birds and squirrels and raccoons and cats. . . no seeds I've put directly into the ground have grown.
What to do? Wait? Plant? Give up on spinach this year? Try a little patience, perhaps?
P.S. I have Long Standing and Baby Leaves spinach.