Putting the garden to bed- some fall related questions

Oct 28, 2008 18:46

Ever want to shoot the individual that came up with this expression.  It seems like fall has been every bit as much work as spring.

I've been gathering leaves very locally on quiet cul de sacs to reduce the possibility of automative related polution.  How big a pile do you shoot for? and for what size garden.   I'm  aiming for 12 cubic yards of compost for about 3,000 sq ft of garden.   With my horrible clay soil, I'm hoping to get decent soil by next summer.

This time of year there is a scarcity of green for the compost so I've been using organic lawn fertilizer.  What does everyone else use? what sources of compost other that leaves and garden waste do you find this king of year.

My everbearing rasberries still haven't died back yet.  I like to cut all the canes in at the end of the season, because i like a late summer fall harvest.  Should I wait till they die back to cut them.

Do you mulch your strawberries, and if so when.  I've been pretty neglectful of my patches and  the runners have grown thick. Should I pull some, and if so what should the final spacing be?

Thanks everyone for your help all season.

and for those who engaged in a discussion on the value of nettles a few month back, here's a link to a very good website on the bdsm us of them.  http://www.mordor.u-net.com/smbd/nettles.html

fruit: raspberry, fruit: strawberry

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