May 25, 2007 09:42
So I was given a bottle of "TerraTonic Super Soil Activator" a few days ago, purchased from a Whole Foods market. My soil is actually quite passive at this point, so I thought what the heck, and applied it to my vegetable beds yesterday. According to the package, it's supposed to "help restore and maintain the natural synergy between micro-organisms, humus, and soil minerals." Far out, man.
Well, the first thing I noticed about it was the smell of molasses. (The byproduct of refining cane sugar, not a mole's behind.) I've also seen 'agricultural molasses' on sale at the Home Despot garden center. So.. What the heck does molasses do?
FYI, the product contains: Humic acid, seaweed extract, compost tea, cane molasses, magnesium chloride, ferrous sulfate, zinc chloride. The company that makes it is based out of Austin, so I'm sure it's been thoroughly tested in the hemp farming industry.
garden pests: vermin