I'm really glad
starrchilde put me on to
the Farmer's Almanac e-newsletter. I love the gardening tidbits, like this: Scatter spinach or lettuce seeds around emerging bulb foliage to make wise use of your garden space and have a leafy green crop at the ready to cover the bare spots left by deadheaded spring flowers.
--I never would have thought to do this, but it makes sense. I'll do it tonight!
Another one: Scatter annual poppy seeds in your flower garden and let them grow where they will. They don't like to be transplanted.
--Well, that makes sense. They sure as heck don't like to start indoors, try as I might.
And this? Sow sweet peas as soon as the soil can be worked. Nick the seeds with a nail file and plant them five inches deep, but cover them with only about three inches of soil. Hoe more soil up around them as they grow.
--the heck you say! Okay, I didn't really do much to prepare my pea seeds before planting, and that nail-nicking thing might have been a help, but I had no idea it would be good to 'hill up soil around them'. Sounds like 'taters and 'maters!