Worm Composters.. wanna show me your bins?

Mar 23, 2007 19:08

I'm doing vermicomposting as my outreach in my Master Gardeners program (our county does not have any sort of program.. in fact, I'm pretty sure the state doesn't either, which is a darn shame)

As part of the project I'm setting up a website with how to information, instructions for a simple DIY bin and tidbits about red wigglers. I'm not going into C:N ratios, people's eyes tend to glaze over when I start up with that. I know there are TONS of sites already out there, but I wanted one central site where I can send people when I give presentations.

I want to include a 'show me your bin' section, but I realized.. I DON'T KNOW ANYONE ELSE WITH A BIN! So .. if you don't mind... can you post your bin? You can give a first name and location too that would help (or you can make one up, how will I know !)

here's my bin:

xposted to compost_wackos


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