(no subject)

Dec 08, 2007 22:00

today was a good day:
i slept in til 1:30 with ben. then we went to get food and played a game of pool which we are embarrassingly bad at. then we came back to my room, had a bunch of sex and snuggling. then i ate more food, checked my facebook LJ (ie now), and next, i'm going over to ben's again to watch a movie, veg out, and have more sex. 
the only missing element is home. i wish i could do this at home. im so home sick. only 2 weeks now... i miss daisy, and jack, and judo, kisha, and ... whats the name of that other cat? oh yeah, cody/nigel/simba. pika's cool n all, but it doesnt snuggle with me. i miss my laundry room and my kitchen and my computer and my bed. i miss that fucking bright light on our kitchen counter that blinds me every time i ate cereal in  high school. i miss having amy upstairs and exploring the basement cupboards for snacks. i miss running in the parks and i miss the rain. i miss my dad's record collection and the shower that i know is clean enough that i can lie down and just relax. i miss sally and her piles of folded laundry on the stairs and seeing her drive down the driveway in her bumper-stickered minivan. i miss the couch and tv and knowing that im alone at my house and nobody's gonna stick their head in and interrupt my laziness.
and oh god do i miss my home friends. going to winco, 7 eleven, the value village, the highschool, forest hills, george rogers, all american, west lake park. i  miss driving in cars where i hear full albums instead of just the greatest hits cuz ppl use CDs instead of just ipods. i miss  calling all my older friends and bugging odler friends to buy me alcohol. i miss being totally weird. totally totally weird with no rules or expectations. i want to freaking pillow wrestle every single person from home until we either decide to make annie's macaroni or die laughing.
thank goodness i'll be home in 2 weeks.
until then i have classes for the next week, plenty of hw, and then classes end and becca goes home. then im here for another week where i can study for the last 2 finals i have and have a room to myself, woot! and watch bad movies all night long and have ben over if i want and yeah.
i cant wait.

besides all that there are some things worth noting that just happened in my life:
1) i went to see the spice girls in their reunion tour. (you dont know how incredbly hard it was to not capitalize every letter in that sentence). well, we were 3 rows from the very back of this huge stadium - total nosebleed. still just as enjoyable though, and we danced like maniacs and screamed when they came on stage, and oh yes - they did all their most famous songs. see facebook  for photos, but yes, i was scary spice. i wore my ex-roomie kimmy's boots which have a 5 inch platform - more dominatrix than gril power but it still worked. amazingly enough, we were like the only ones dressed up. tre ridic, no? its like every middle schooler's dream to be a spice girl and eveyr group of five friends chooses who they want to be and yeah... its just how it goes, no? well people have fucking left neverland and their childhoods behind because people were dissappointing. maybe its cuz they didnt want to look like prostitutes* while walking the streets of LA, but i can say with all confidence that they are not as cool as i am.
*debate: do the spice girls dress like prostitutes or do prostitutes dress like spice girls? i feel that the first argument seems right considering how scantily clad they are, but if you consider that men see spice girls, see it as hot with these women who are powerful and cute, and then want to fuck it, you may realize that maybe prostitutes just dress like spice girls cuz it means better business. did i convince anyone?
2) kimya dawson came to college. it was a really small concert, in a tiny room, but by the time we got there all the seats were taken so we went up and sat on the floor at her feet. it was such a cute performance. i loved it, especially the baby songs. and at the very end, she called to her friend who was in the back of the room playing with her baby who she is bringing on tour with her, and the baby came up and looked at kimya, and then started crying. so sad, but i know that child is going to have an amazing future. with a name like panda, i think that girl's got her future made.
3) becca wants me to tell this story: a few nights ago, becca and i got drunk off wine, went out into the rain, and bobbed around singing "i like to eat eat eat eeplles and beeneenees" with as many vowel possibilities as possible. then we ran out of vowel sound and started adding consonance like i like to ort ort ort orples and bornornors. good fun. happy, becca?
4) lastly, this story is amazing. we had our rugby holiday party last night and at the end of it, we decided to go up to the rugby field to play some night rugby. when we got there, the sprinklers were on so we retreated to these harvey mudd couches and smoked a bowl. after smoking, we were eating some leftover part cookies and my teammate, Athena, looks down at her lap and starts getting really excited cuz she just found this little nug of weed. she hadnt just dropped it cuz we had just smoked the last of her weed, so we decided it was a gift from god and that jesus was washing our feet by giving us this gift of weed. so athena loads the bowl and passes me the pipe. i am just about to take a hit when the light of the lighter illuminates the bowl - Athena had packed a bowl of cookie. yes- cookie. it wasnt weed that she found, but a piece of cookie that she had mistook for weed and didnt ever realize was not actually weed.  so hilariouis - definitely a story to tell the grandchildren*. wow.

*another debate: do you think weed will be available to future generations? will it go totally legal or dissappear as a drug thats harder and hards to get? or will nother change and will they still smoke it as easily and semi-cautiously as they do now.

as i say before, i cant wait to come home
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