Oct 07, 2006 10:11
wow, haven't logged in to LJ in 8 days and i missed more than 10 posts by friends. lots going on apparently. :)
here's my update....
for now, i've decided to do nothing in particular about my job status. after talking with jonathan about it and giving it lots of thought, i've come to this "conclusion." it's not that i have a lousy job; i love my job. it's interesting -- and varied -- work; i have excellent benefits; i'm getting what i feel is a fair salary given my experience and tenure; i'm well-respected; i know what i'm doing; i'm contributing to what i feel is a worthy cause.... it's that i'm having a hard time with my current boss. that is a key point. other things i need to keep in mind: (1) i have options and (2) i will probably try to transition to doing landscape design full-time in about 3 years.
so, that being what it is, i am talking with a couple of people at work about the difficulties i'm experiencing. and i've been thinking about what alternatives might be possible inside my organization, if i decide that i can't take the current situation and that something needs to change. i'm also keeping an eye on job opportunities that are out there. i also went ahead and applied for a sabbatical. i revised my original proposal and decided to just go for it. i have nothing to lose and an 8 week opportunity to gain. so we'll see. i hope to hear something about it by mid-october.
as an update on landscaping... my most recent job is finished until it gets colder and it's time for bulb planting. i'm satisfied with the job i did and i think it turned out nicely. as for the potential job i mentioned a few weeks ago, that is less certain. i have a feeling it may not pan out, which is fine. there will be other opportunities. even getting to think about it was cool. and i have the architect's plans, so i have the layout of the house and surrounding land. i could always play with that and come up with designs just for the practice. i'll also be taking a landscape design 2 class this winter, so having the drawings might come in handy for class projects.
for now, i'm at the beginning of a 3 day weekend and am so excited to have the whole weekend to do with whatever i want. nowhere to be at any particular time. no obligations. i needed the break. of course, i'll be bored by next weekend if i don't start making more plans for the fall, but i'm used to my patterns by now. hehehe for now, i plan to relax a bit today, maybe clean out some closets, do some laundry.... boring, regular, house stuff. tomorrow i think i'll meet up with some friends to watch the giants (hopefully) spank the redskins, and monday i might do some gardening.