May 08, 2010 10:48
day 6 - friday
okay, this is probably the last time i'll use this day X format. hehehe figured for the first week, it'd be helpful for me personally to keep my thoughts organized by day. yeah, i'm like that. i compartmentalize everything. arranging information and physical stuff is just how i function. but i digress....
today was back to my old job again. i had another presentation to give at our conference. this was a big one - much bigger than the one earlier this week. this was at the closing session, in a huge room, and i was on a stage for the first time ever (and i've done a fair bit of public speaking to date). i wasn't particular nervous though. my method for things like this is literally to act like an actor. the night before, i told myself that on friday i was playing the role of an engaging public speaker. when i can kind of remove myself from it, it's easier. so that's what i did. it helped that i was going to see a bunch of people who know me and like working with me, wish me well in my new job, and were just plain happy to see me.
so i saved my best suit for the day, organized my thoughts and the intro to my talk in the morning, got ready and headed out for the conference. as soon as i got there, i ran into smiling people wishing me well, giving me hugs, etc. my mood was pretty good too b/c i just knew i was going to do well and this was kind of my last hoorah with the company.
the talk went really well - even my supervisor told me so. i got lots of good comments from folks, was able to answer questions without getting flustered, remembered to acknowledge and thank colleagues who worked with me on the research.... it just felt really good to have delivered a good talk with useful information that no one had seen before, to have a receptive audience, and be surrounded by people who are happy for me. really cool.
after that, i headed over to keith and elana's and hung out with them for a bit. played with maya, who's cuter every day. she'll be 2 in a little over a month! jonathan came over after work too, so the 4 of us hung out after maya went to bed. ordered chinese and just shot the shit for a while. what a great day! :)