Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Nov 09, 2009 09:23

Hi guys, sorry for the long silence! Several updates in answer to questions people have been emailing me.

1. I got all my stories backed up before the geocities wipe. I think I've found a lovely service that will host all my stories, regardless of rating or fandom, and as soon as I hit winter break, I will upload them and post the address here.

2. Grad school is making me its bitch. I'm currently taking a full course load, working three different internships and trying to sign up for a fourth. Hence the long silence. I haven't forgotten you guys, I miss you, and I miss writing fanfic.

3. Metamorphosis II continues to give me trouble. I want to push through and post it as much as you guys want to read it, but I really don't want to post something half-baked or something I regret writing. I haven't posted the bits I have so far because if it turns out I need to backtrack to fix a problem, I don't want to confuse you guys. I'll keep chipping away at it, I promise!

grad school, life, writing, fandom

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