So, the first ficlet from the
timestamp meme a while back.
snycock asked what happens to Blair and Ellie from Metamophosis. There's gonna be a longer sequel at some point, but here's a bit in between the end of one and the beginning of the other...
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My original plans for a sequel were derailed by various plot twists in season finales (that's what I get for writing crossovers!) but I'm dying to write the sequel as soon as I can figure out a way around the problem.
Teal'c has his day in the sequel, never fear. I've always liked him as a character, and while we're catching him at a bad moment at the end of Metamorphosis, the qualities I love about him are going to come to the fore again once he has a chance to work through his feelings (about halfway through the sequel). I have some seriously awesome scenes planned for him.
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