Jan 18, 2006 16:58
I haven't updated in ages....so much going on which I will all detail!
* CARA nominating process is finally over, and NOW I can post my own personal BOCA list since I'm done listening to all that now. I love the CARAs, but that is a lot of listening!
* Computer situation - turns out the Geek Squad guys in Computerfixerville, USA were able to reproduce the problems with my laptop and approved a no-lemon policy for me! Meaning that the $1100 I initially paid for the Toshiba POS is now credited towards any new laptop from BestBuy's selection. The funny thing is, I got a $200 instant rebate on the Toshiba 2.5 years ago that didn't show up on the receipt that the customer service center gave me of my original purchase. So I'm actually getting $200 more in credit than I paid. The computer gods have smiled upon me. First. Time. Ever.
* Tyler and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary yesterday, January 17th. That's 1/3 of my life.
* I went to DC to visit Gautam for the long weekend, which was really fun and overdue. It was good just to see someone who knows me well after all that drama with the people who ended up being the wrong friends for me. Hi Andy!