there are some REALLY awesome things (applying for
this is one of the things) that are going to happen this summer, and it's starting to feel real... starting to feel real good too.
i never know if i am happier because it is nicer out or happier because of other factors...
simon is back from europe and it's so surprising how quickly we can fall back into such a comfortable routine (in the good way) and how i forget so much of the good stuff until i can't have it for weeks or months... the way he says certain words, the way he dances, the way he sings along to certain songs, all the little things. i feel pretty lucky to have such an awesome person to live with.
yesterday sarah and i had a bike ride/music making/ice cream/thrifting day in the sun and it was so good. tonight we're having a re-housewarming since a lot of our friends haven't seen all of our renovations/changes to our apartment. also we've been talking again about little (big) changes, painting our office, readjusting our bedroom (we might get a new, bigger bed!!! since my friend needs to get rid of one) and all that jazz. follow our adventures
here. lately i've been posting older photos from how we've had our apartment organized in the past, my favourite things. i can't wait to put our postcard lamp up again...
also i got the new jennifer castle album on vinyl and it is SO GOOD.