Here we are again

Sep 05, 2010 22:57

My new year's resolution is posting more often. I feel safer with with y'all than with the facebook crowd, and so, like we always do with our loved ones, I ignore you. Lurking behind the scenes I am, somthing I seem particularly good at. I read what you have to say and appreciate that you are all in my life, but I'm not terribly good at letting you into mine. Sorry

Saved my truck. They never came for it, and never sent for it, so I called to see what I could do to get the title back. You see, they didn't take my tax refund either, so I had some resources. First, the person said the total loan was $10,000+. and I panicked. The loan against the truck was only 5k. Then they said they would give it to me for fair-market value, and I kept panicking. I priced similar vehicles of that age, and they are going for 8.5k. Didn't have that much. She said the FMV was $2350, and emphasized, "make me and offer on it." I offered 2k. They accepted. Should have offered 16. Didn't dare. Wanted it too bad. Got him all fixed up and running smooth. Except the air-conditioning doesn't work. Probably just needs a charge. Next summer. I have my truck!

Papa is in hospital again. Sudden, accute gallbladder attack. He thought he was having a heart attack. Back in December when we transported him by ambulance he thought he was having a heart attack. That is the only thing I can think that might have indicated trouble with the gallbladder. He also had pneumonia at that time, so they looked no further. One of his repiratory therapists gave me a master class in how to track his oxygen and get him help far sooner. Very happy about that. So, we got him through the surgery, got him over the post-op pneumonia, and now the big hang up is that he can't eat. They finally looked, and he has severe esophagitis and ulcers all the way to the duodenum. And they keep sending him tomato soup as part of his liquid diet! I have composed a note that will go to the kitchen with the next tomato soup they send up: dear kitchen staff. The gentleman in 310 has a large, kung-fu trained daughter who requests politely that you stop sending him acidic food. Do not make her come down there. Thank you. Update: no tomato soup today, and he was able to eat all his meals. Maybe I won't need the note after all . . .

Spent three weeks of my summer moving rooms. The teacher who had it before is really upset about having to move, and I can see why. It is at least twice as big as my old room, and it has windows! I have room to put all my stuff, so all the surfaces are clear. as is the floor. Hardly know how to act. Just wish the other teacher were not so upset. We were friends, I thought, and she won't give me the time of day now. The move is not something I chose or even asked for. The location is inconvenient in so many ways. Oh well. She will either get over it, or not. Her choice.

Took some classes this summer that changed my professional life. I have not been able to get my kids speaking in the target language, so I took one class about Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling and another in an assessment model the district is pushing. Actually, there is a tri-district consortium that is jumping into this assessment model, and we are thinking it will be state-wide within five years. It's really good. I already gave a writing prompt to see where my second years are, and they are right on track. I'm not so bad a teacher as I think I am. Thank goodness! The TPRS is exactly what I needed. I have taught it for four days now, and it is working like a charm. The kids are confident about talking, and there are reports of them using it in the halls. NOW I'm teaching! Booyah!

I broke my bike. The one I ride for transportation. Broke two spokes on the back wheel. Bike shop thinks it might be because the wheel was week in the first place. I haven't abused it THAT much. We decided to err on the side of caution and upgrade as long as we're replacing. I love my cruiser, but it is not a fast bike. It is a leisure model. Really wish I could sell it to one of my friends who are having knee trouble/replacements, but no takers. I'm kinda glad, because I love the bike, but I'm kinda sad, because I need a commuter back up that I can ride seriously, not like I'm out for a Sunday stroll. That bike saved my knees. Still ducking the knife after all these years. And will for a couple more yet. I think I get it back this week, if I remember right. Hope it's soon, cause bike weather is running out fast.
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