Don't want to do that again!

Aug 02, 2009 18:42

Yesterday was one weird, messed up day, which was the perfect capper to one weird, messed up week. Couldn't pry myself out of bed, too sore for some strange reason. We had been doing things in karate that Sensei was sure would make our legs hurt, but mine didn't. I ran a lot of errands on the bike on Friday, but just felt good. Saturday, everything hurt, not just the legs. Made it through my private lesson. Dropped my phone in the dog water. Went shopping, Dad asked if I had slept the night before, everything was so awkward. Went back for group class. Punched my Visiting Teacher right in the nose. I was aiming for the side of her head (because the only shots Sensei was calling were head shots) and she turned her face into it. Lost that bout. Lost the next one. On the way home my rear tire blew. This is the tire I had had fixed twice before, even the day before. Three flats on the same tire in one week. Had to walk halfway, which is no big deal, but I had done all the uphill stuff and was on the home stretch. Don't walk home in your karate shoes. Big blister on the bottom of my foot. Did get my truck running. It was just hungry. Died on the driveway Friday. I had tried to get it started, and backed it out into the street. No such luck. It looks so easy when other people push their cars. All I wanted was to line it up with the curb, dang it. And no power steering.

Tuesday Dad and I went up to pay my ticket for not having my truck registered. He wanted to go with, so I took him. They wouldn't give me a discount for already taking care of the problem because the license plate on the newly registered car and the license on the one given the ticket didn't match. I have never even seen the car on the ticket; the officer got it wrong. No big deal. Didn't think it was worth going before a judge. And then Dad started throwing up. And up. And up. I had no idea what to do for or about him and must have looked like a real jerk. They got a wheel chair so I could get him out to the car, for which I was very grateful. Had no idea how we would have done it otherwise. Got him home and he wiped out the bathroom. I made it through, but really hated it. Got him settled, kept him warm and hydrated, and that was about all I could do for him.

The next day, the tire I had had fixed the previous Friday was flat when I got out to it. Had them put a thicker tube in. I learned long ago that if I don't have thick, thorn resistant tubes I don't ride long. Didn't on that one either. It was defective. They laughed when I came in, because I said I would be in as soon as I figured out something else bikes couldn't do. Mom always insisted that we treat bikes and other equipment carefully to maximize wear. The bike shop guys insist that if a bike won't do what you want it to, it's no good to you. They're okay with using it hard. Of course, they get the repair business when I do . . .

There has been a dog listening success, of sorts. I placed a video with a little family around the block. They were at their wits' end with the beastie and were thinking of getting rid of him. The method has been such a stunning, as advertised success that they went out and bought a second dog this last week!

I really need to get up and fix dinner. It's not getting any earlier and I want to go to singies tonight. Hope I can make myself
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