It's Hard Being Little

Jan 03, 2009 15:49

And furry. Yesterday, Winnie started complaining about her back leg. Not new, she was run over when she was two and turned her little pelvis into a jigsaw puzzle. Sometimes she is just an arithmetic dog. Yesterday was worse than usual, so I called the vet and made an appointment. Got stuck in traffic and had to reschedule for this morning, which was probably a good thing, because after about six things deteriorated. She refused dinner, and started walking like her brain and her back legs were not on speaking terms. I spent the evening holding her instead of doing anything productive like taking the tree down. The vet did extensive tests and came up with two possibilities. Either her kidney function is worse than we thought and she is building up toxins, or she has disc issues. X-rays were, of course, inconclusive. They ran blood tests, and her numbers are very normal, so the food we are giving her for the little kidneys is working. I knew that, because she has been back to her old self and even playing with the puggles. One of them did jump on her yesterday morning before we got out of bed, just jumped over me and right onto her. They gave her a steroid shot to bring down the inflammation and a pain killer that is absorbed directly into the mucous membranes the best option given her kidney situation. I have a little bottle of little pills and needle-less syringes with pain killer. Both twice a day for the next week. So far, so good. She has been walking around a little, and her back legs are more coordinated. They look like they belong to her at least. I learned a lot about neurology and neurological tests today. More than I really wanted to know. Sometimes I wish I was a vet. Other times I'm glad I'm not. Hopefully the course of treatment will get the little kid up and functioning again.
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