Creepiest. Thing. Ever.

Dec 31, 2010 18:15

On Christmas Eve, my... I guess they would be my sister's nephew-in-laws, but they're pretty much my age so it's weird, I think their mother had them when she was a zygote or something, but anyway, they were driving me to the train station and we passed this creepy little house where there were two mannequins dressed up and posed on the front porch.  No Christmas decorations, mind you, nary a wreath, just two dolled up female mannequins sitting in rockers and enjoying the frigid night.  Yeek.  Double yeek.

My SNIL's said the mannequins are always there, year round, and the guy who lives there changes their clothes and poses them differently every few days.

ME: "If this were a horror movie, the car would break down right now."

Because, um, serial killer.  Sorry, that's all that says to me.  Or possibly creepy Death Mask doctor and rubber tubing.  Dressing up and posing mannequins is not an acceptable hobby in my world.  It screams crazy deviant.  But maybe I'm wrong and the owner of those life-size dolls is perfectly nice and sane, has cherub-cheeked grandkids and some lovable story for how he came to have the mannequins on his porch - maybe he owns a mannequin factory and these were the first two he ever made, and it's sort of like that dollar bill you see taped up over the register in every Mom & Pop store in creation.  But I still wouldn't want to be alone in a room with him.

Or maybe it's a real-life 'Mannequin' situation and this guy's just got double play.  Actually, 'Mannequin' was kind of creepy too.  I mean, change the cheesy music to something dark and ominous, and this video takes on a whole different vibe.

image Click to view

Jeez, Kim Cattrall was in everything in the 80's.  Also, James Spader in 'Mannequin'?  Did I block that out?  And here I thought 'Crash' was his most disturbing film.

(Sidenote: I hated 'Starship', they were like New Coke, because every decade they'd change their band name to stay 'hip' with the times.  Instead of focusing on the name, they should have been writing better songs.  Also - John Cougar Mellencamp.  They never quite got rid of the Cougar, did they?  They just sort of slipped it in the middle there, like it was his maiden name or something.  John Mellencamp, nee' Cougar.  Ugh.  Just keep the fucking name.  Just live with it.  Jefferson Airplane.)

Anyway, the mannequin house completely creeped me out. 
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