Tagged by
The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose a few people to be tagged and list their names.
1 My books are frequently organized by genre, literary period, geographic origin or type (i.e. hardcover/paperback). When I'm bored of them arranged one way I change to another.
2 I really like candles. They seem to accumulate in my room without my even attempting to procure them, and I think I picked this up from my mom.
3 One of the only reasons I didn't go to college for archeology was that my high school guidance counselor discouraged it. I guess it was too impractical... almost as impractical as a non-teaching English degree.
4 I don't sleep well if I'm not under some kind of blanket, even when it's blazing hot out. I don't know why.
5 I have some kind of irrational fear of dead goldfish.
6 I can't stand balloons - a balloon popping in my presence makes me REALLY agitated.
7 I sometimes go for walks in the cemetery near my house. Most people are creeped out by this, but I like to look at the really old headstones and think about what their owner's lives were like.
8 My friend Tara and I buried a "time capsule" in the woods by her house when we were 13 or 14, and now we can't find it. But we're pretty sure it's still out there.
9 I have a didgeridoo and I really want to learn to circular breathe so I can play it properly.
10 One of my most prized possessions to this day is a scrap of wood that my grandpa painted to look like a whale and gave to me when I was little. He took up woodworking in his retirement and was making wooden trinkets for all of us grandkids one weekend - the one he gave me was just a piece that had been cut out of something else, but I liked it best because it was different from everyone else's. My name is scrawled all over the bottom of it because I never wanted to lose it.
But I don't feel like tagging anyone. So there.