Jan 18, 2007 18:43
I was never very much a reader of the Barb...ermm...Bard. I couldn't really understand so much in my early reading career. However as I grew up I really started digging him. Especially Quotes. Sweets to the Sweet and the like. Heres one. Above all else be true to thine own self. As night follows day. Therefore being untrue to no man. Whats that mean zacaly...? Well. Don't work at anything you don't believe in. Is my take. Fundamentaly, If what you do produces nothing but waste. Or sole ecenomic development. Or luxory usage of natural resources. I tell you (a little Hypocritically) If you hate what your doing. Stop.
So whats garble going on about now…?
I’m in over my head so to speak. I like learning new things. Perpetual student like. Office work is groovy. Whorehouse work is o.k if the company is. Retail sucks really and working with the public can be frustrating at the best of times. I tell you now though... Lil Chilen… Stay away from the trades. Unless you love your trade or your really good at something. The Trades suck. And you heard it from me first. Its makes people dependable… erm…dependant. It makes people irratable. Tired and deafeated. Yes Deaf.
Or maybe its just me. I usually don’t do any work for an extended period of time. In fact Ive only had two jobs that lasted longer than two years. Mostly because once you’ve learned all you can its time to move up or on. Unless you really do like your job. NOW though. Since Im paid well and theres no immediate next place to go… I’m dependant on something I find Untrue… and unhealthy. Cause we all need the almighty dollar. There is no alternative.
For now. Things change so quick though. I still have those things I enjoy. One a scream to, one to dream to. To rely on…
Who writes this kinda crap anyway…?
what the fu%^ is a tag?