He use to say 'I'd club a baby seal for Jewel' and I'd always counter 'I'd easily club Jewel for a baby seal'
I've seen a lot of greusome things. Bloody dismal scenes. Horror movies and abbitoirs. Nothing. I mean nothing could ever prepare oneself for the shear brutality of a seal hunt. The Canadian Government will issue the death warrants of a MILLION harp, hood and grey seals in three years. One quarter of an entire species. Never in all history has the slaughter of so many mammals taken place. In 1987 Canada called for a ban on killing 'Whitecoats' or baby seals... the cute and cuddly ones you see on tv with the poor black eyes all puppy like. The truth is a 'Whitecoat' looses its whitecoat at under 21 days. Legal to disembowel at three weeks old. I wont tell you if its right or wrong. Read this and make your own opinion.
So cheer up. At least your not a seal... or a sealer...