Practicing for Nanowrimo...

Oct 27, 2005 11:38

Since the turn of the century, I wanted to start accomplishing things. Not that before the turn I was unmotivated or not driven... Just there was always something better to do or drink or smoke or contemplate the space time continuem. Its kinda like in high school. Grade nine I got two out of eight credits... the following year not much better. By the time grade twelve came though I was kicking ass and graduated with six oacs in one year and a pass to carlton University. Course I never went but (no regrets coyote) I liked the idea of ME being edumacated. Still I drifted. Then around the turn of the century I landed a good gig in the city. It was the height of the tech bubble (which was about to burst) and for the first time had a NEW kind of direction. I had RRSP's! The bubble burst and they paid me a whole lot to drift... again. i wrote and went out west. Recorded music and ran in Polotics and drifted some more. Still after seventeen trys and 38 chapters I still could not get through reading Moby Dick...

I signed upp for national novel writing month. You get the month of November to write 175 pages 50,000 words. No prizes or prestige but a chance to push your limits. Discipline... a word that is not used much in my vocabulary is something i'd like to try. Just once... Then maybe I can drift without guilt for a while longer.

Or all earth could bare of such phenomena.

(I think I'm way too sober)
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