Whats your favorite color?

Nov 30, 2004 14:59

Happy Belate Thanksgiving! I hope everyone ate lots of yummy food and took a lot of naps this weekend :) Aunt Mary Lou spent a few days here. It is always fun to have her here! She is coming for Christmas too :) Then Grandma and Grandpa came over for Saturday night and we went out to breakfast and such on sunday. On sunday we had this family reunion thing with the whole big family not just my mom's side. Well anyways Santa came and my little cousins made a list and gave it too him! I thought that was the cutest thing :) Those little kids just make my holidays. I also met my brother's girlfriend and she is really nice too! Corey's team lost the turkey bowl though :( bummer...We watched them play football out in the freezing cold weather on thursday. It was cold but fun.

**I am tired of people telling me I have an attitude. If they tell me do they think I am going to change it? I personally don't think I have one but apparently I do and it is distracting quite a few people...oh well. I am going away next year! wooo for that :) I am also tired of people pretending and lying. Pretending to be someone friend is the worst thing that you can possible do next to lying. So how about we knock that off? And lying just is pointless. I don't get why people do it but they do. On One Tree Hill a couple of weeks ago Lucas explained it well why people lie...I don't know the exact quote but it could be paraphrased like this:
People only lie because they don't want you to figure out who they are before they figure themselves out.
It makes sense to me, but I don't think that is a good enough reason.

*There is an extremely great chance that I am going to Central next year like a 99.7% chance. I am so woo about that :)

*Amy and I have really good talks during 6th hour and those are some of the best talks I have. I love you Amy! I am so glad that we are still friends and that I can talk to you about EVERYTHING! ;)
well sorry it is so long kids but I just had to get this stuff out of my head...

Snowball is DEC 11!!! you better come to see me and my hoes ;)(girls only)

Have a wonderful day darlins!

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