Aug 03, 2006 11:39
It has been a long time since I've updated!
So long that I don't even know where to start...
Well, lets start off with why I haven't been updating anymore.
My parents do not have DSL internet anymore it was starting to get too pricy for us and they thought that switching to dial up would be a good idea. is cheeper but doesn't work too well when you're trying to be online for a long time. I tried to update on my break at work but for some reason live journal is like the only site they have blocked for some odd reason. So whateves. :OP
The single Situation:
So far it's starting to get a little better. This week is my record for not talking to Jes I need to just let him go. I realized that this past Friday after the 4th time I begged him to come back to me and he said no. (Pathetic, I know!) *eye roll*
I figure the more I talk to him right now, the more upset I'm going to make myself..and even if I'm not upset and we're just chatting as friends, I still feel really nervous and awkward around him so really there's not point in dealing with being his friend right now.
I'm still having a hard time believing that I'm actually single and I still accidentally think I'm not at times. (I'm sure this is something that will grow on me after a while)
The ME situation:
Aside from all that has been going on, I'm geting better at meeting new friends. I feel more indepentant than I've ever felt and I'm even starting to feel kind of good about myself again.
I've put some goals in place for me to work towards and I've been trying my best to be able to acheeve something for the first time in my life.
Lately I've been more inspired to do what I enjoy. I've been feeling very creative and it's feels like I'm almost me again..the old me. The Amiee who I feel that I haven't known for years. (believe it or not)
The Baby Boy:
He's geting so big now! He'll be 3 this month..I can't believe how time flys by. He has really been acting up lately because he's still geting used to me working so much. I know it isn't fair for me to work as much as I do but at the same time all of this is for a better future for Braiden and myself so it's worth it in the long run. I'll be able to afford to take better care of him.