Gardening and scrabble. With photos

Mar 25, 2009 16:10

Possibly the geekiest blog I've ever made...but its ok, cos I like it :)

First of all, scrabble! Warning, some jews may be offended...

Next, cultivating cress...

What you need:

A selection of bases - here, I'v eused kitchen towel and cotton wool, but you can also use compost or any other absorbent materials - water, and cress seeds

Cotton Wool:

Take your cotton wool, and place it in a suitable container. Moisten with water, and drain off any excess

Next, scatter seeds accordingly, without over crowding:

Kitchen above...

Place on window sill in a warm location, like the kitchen, and wait for it to grow :) Progress will be updated.

Next, planting potatos...

This particular potato started life on its own, hidden away in the darkness behind out the time we found it, it had such massive arm thingies that I decided to put it in some water...this is what happened:

So, I thought I better re-pot it. I don't really know how to grow potatos, so I jus stuck the bottom bit in the compost and hoped for the best...the compost was found in our shed, so is quite old and manky, but it should be ok...

Now, stand back and admire your work...

And because he's jus the stupidest fish ever...

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