rated PG-13

Jun 10, 2006 03:12

holy crap. i just got the most reassuring words from the unlikeliest person ever. (p.s. - my msn/aim/whatevar logs are not usually like this, so don't be weirded out)

X: see, it's better to be a fat girl than a fat guy because man-boobs are not sexy.
X: how would you like it if you had bigger boobs than your girlfriend? xD
X: oh wait.. maybe YOU'D like it
X: then you wouldn't need a girlfriend
Y: lool that would never happen
Y: i would cuz my boobs would be hairy! yukh!
X: ew gross
X: you could get them waxed
Y: lol wax hurts
Y: dont u need a bf?!
X: sure.. but i'm too shy to ever ask a guy out
X: and a lot of ais guys suck anyway
Y: yeah but there r sum which are not bad, and plus if ur shy then just tell them in an inderct way!
X: haha.. but most guys are dense. you'd never get anything "indirect". :p
Y: like a letter, a message, msn! and just say u were kiddin if he doesn't answer in 3 mins, cuz u know he will belive u, ur a girl
X: the thing that sucks is every crush i've had has been on a guy who's my friend, so i'm afraid to tell them cause they might try to avoid me after that
Y: they will never

wow, this perv actually said something good.. but of course it didn't stay like that for long...

X: that's good to hear.
Y: girls in egypt r so fucken bad, they never ask guys out, so if u do it and he doesnt answer u say kiddin! he will believe u immedieatly
Y: plus u ve got big boobs they'd be delighted
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