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Jul 22, 2015 17:26

Вот интересный коммент:

You have no idea how right you are I'm a survivor 22 years they tested on me our economy will collapse because more and more people are going to continue to wake up and realize that this is a bunch of load of stuff and it's true I was 11 and 12 years old when they first started testing these medicines on me it made me cut it mean you hallucinate it make me crazy when I stopped taking the medicine I physically got sick almost like a heroin addiction and always in and out of the hospital constantly and they didn't know what was wrong with me and thank God for conspiracy theorist because they told me that it was fluoride and I was like oh my gosh it's true and their spring in the sky so they're trying to medicate everybody at this point and I'm so sick in my doctors are trying to help me get better and you can't even tell people the whole truth because they think you're crazy and I'm like dude look in my arms I'm a survivor I have other survivors in my life too I'm not the only one

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