Manga, anime merchandising and figures, doujinshi, artbooks, JE photos, magazines, Japan souvenirs..

May 12, 2015 12:11


I'm selling HUNDREDS(!) of items I've purchased in Japan. I've lived in Japan for 7 years and there's far too much stuff now.
40% of the items are even new and unopened.

*Click banner to get to the sales entries.


What I'm selling?

  • Japanese Artbooks and Manga
  • Doujinshi (Bleach, Naruto, Death Note, Dragonball ...)
  • Anime merchandising (figures, posters, cups, ...)
  • Pinky St. Dolls
  • Japanese books
  • Japanese souvenirs (key chains, temple and shrine lucky charms etc.)
  • Japanese stationary (stickers, clearfiles, notebooks, ...)
  • Johnny's and Jstars photos, photo books, posters, magazines
  • German manga and German anime magazines (AnimaniA, Manga sZene, ...)

posters, doujinshi, traditional, dolls: general, artbooks, manga: other, music: other, idols: johnny's, magazines, fashion: general, stationery, manga: japanese

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