Dec 01, 2004 09:34
“Inside my Thinking Cap, De Saran Wrap, Can Ya Dig It? I Can Dig It!”
Yea, so work is insane…to the max! I was out for like a week with the flu, and the thanksgiving holiday, but I came back today, and there are like 2 new hires. One is cool, the other is dumb and bitchy. Anyways, when I got to work I thought that I would call Miss Britt and see if she wanted to go to lunch together, (she was at a different pharmacy location for the early part of the day). Really I just wanted to start off on a good note since we hadn’t talked in a week. So we went to lunch and talked about work, and other B.S. It was really nice. I think that we needed a little space for a few days just to get back a little fondness for each other.
The rest of the day at work was fucking nuts, cause everyone in the office seemed like they were “sampling the product.” I mean it IS a madhouse in there, and it usually seems like this if you were an outsider looking in…but today was freaky even to me, and I see it every day.
I fuckin’ got Cindy doing leaps across the floor because I agreed to type labels all day if she would just fill the orders. Then she fell down, or tripped over things like ten times, and starts telling these weird, off the wall stories about random ass shit. Then we have Heather…there is no words to really describe Heather…she is a screwball, not in a bad way, but in that way that makes everyone either irritated, or laugh till they pee a little. She does this little dance, kind of like Elaine on Seinfeld, and then she will say, “Ooooooh!!! Ooooooohh!”
Then there is me and Britterz….need I say more?
I mean do you ever have one of those moments that everything starts getting extremely clusterfucked, and chaotic, or wildly exciting, almost circus-like for a second that it makes you kind of sit up real straight and crinkle your eyebrows in confusion, kind of like “What the fuck is going on? Does everyone see how retarded this whole situation is?” Maybe I AM a schizophrenic nut-case…I mean, does this happen to anyone else? Maybe it is just *Triphasic seeping into our brains, just like boss man had planned. That is a story in itself.
*If you are wondering what the fuck Triphasic is…it is the name of our company, and apparently some Star Trek thingy-ma-bob. My boss named our pharmacy, Triphasic Pharmacy because he is an obsessed Trek-ee.
Anyhow, I guess it kind of measures on the same scale as having some sort of stupid epiphany during and acid trip. I think maybe it is just me, and my fucked up, whacked out way of thinking, but who knows…
”It’s beautiful, I would say, I wouldn’t have it, any other way, if I said different, it would be a lie, if I said different, it would be a…Liiiieeee!”
Actually, I think everyone is stressed out to the point of delirium, and it makes for a fun, entertaining, and “monkey-fucking-a-football,” kind of day. So in conclusion to my “day at the office” story, I will simply say…
“Today was a good day, I didn’t have to use my A-K.”
Any-hooters, in other news, I spent Saturday night, Sunday, and Monday morning (keep Monday on the DL, cause I was still trying to play hooky for just one more day) at the Hamilton residence.
I swear to god, it is the most blunt smokinest house on the planet! Drives me nuts! Chris and Ali befriended the neighbors (I like to call them “The Chopped & Screwed, Smokin’, Smokin’ and Fuckin’ Crew.” They are all in their early 20’s, and fun to chill with. They are just like any other crew that you run into in most suburban areas. Bunch-a white kids, and the token “black dude,” that pops his head back in the door after departing just to say, “By the way…I’m black.” Just to mess with the white kids heads. There is the playa that knows exactly how to work your nerve, but you let him do it cause he’s cute, the quiet one that can’t seem to put the PS2 controller down for 2 seconds, but it is probably best that way, because it keeps him distracted from his own mind. Then there is the man-with-the-plan, aka man-that-actually-lives-next-door, the one that heads up the crew, knows who, what, when, where, how, and why, and huh? He is usually accompanied by his girlfriend…the only girl that hangs with that crew, the girl that, “doesn’t usually get along with other girls.”
They are all cool as fuck, and they hang out most “errrry” day, and managed to wear off on Alison enough for her to say to her mother in a phone conversation…”Tru dat, Mom.” And not realize that she had just said “TRU DAT” to a 54 year old woman, so they are good in my book.
Alison is so anti-rap it cracks me up, so any Ebonics spoken from her lips is fuckin’ hilarious.
So back to the story, Alison decides that the neighbor crew needs to leave because they had been hangin’ out for a bit too long…shit I don’t even know if this was the real reason. I say that because she came downstairs and had my purse and a few other of my things in her hand and said “Everybody get the fuck out.” Now I understand how such a situation can arise, because I have had to regulate on that shit before too. The thing was, she was mad as hell at me and the neighbor chick. Mad mostly at me, her best friend of 12 years, (and the one who looks out for her, and takes care of her ass, and I am not exaggerating on that one, she will be the 1st to admit that) because she thought that I had read a letter that she had written to me, about absolutely fucking nothing (seriously, a letter consisting of “I’m bored,” and “Remember that time, that we wore the same shirt in 9th grade?”) to on listeners in the living room. I mean really, I know Alison is the Goddess of Creatures Great and Small and enquiring minds love to hear her most trivial of thoughts, but damn, can we please re-enter at least the atmosphere of planet Earth before we have a little mood swing? We have since talked this out, after sleep was attained, but it makes for a curiously charming little anecdote.
Fuckin’-A! Bradly (aka Chip, you girls know who I am talkin’ bout’) is coming to visit on the 21st of this month until January 2. I hate it when I act like such and eager beaver, no pun intended, but me and him have a fuckin’ blast when he comes back “home.” I wish he would move back to TX for good, and we could re-live the night I took his sweet virginity away when we were just 16 years of age. Maybe that is one of the reasons we are so comfy together. He is the best Sancho EVER!!!! It makes me all warm and fuzzy when he calls several days in a row cause he just wants to talk. That is sweet in my eyes because I know calling from Cali isn’t cheap when you live with your beer guzzling roommates. The last time he was here, we really re-connected with each other, and it was so odd, if you know Bradly, you know what I’m talking about. Aweee! Woe is me.
I am lame.
Memories….good times. *Shivers & giggles.* Ok, that was too much info for all you peeps to hear.
Man, if you have made it this far in my little rambling of insanity and self absorption, I commend you for your attention span, but I pray for you, because you are mos def a little bit dumber than when you began reading. Sorry bout all that. Love me, talk shit about me, or challenge my lack of wits, just say something.
Viva la White Rabbit…(me)