The fey '80s electro-synth-pop fandom continues here at Garagdream with the purchase of The Lexicon of Love by ABC, possibly the best fey '80s synth-pop record of them all (and I am including Dare, people). Oh wait I guess there's Pop! by Erasure and a Pet Shop Boys album or two that's probably better. But still it's fucking amazing.
Text message of the day: "I am watching a row of four british women with fairy wings on shout suck my titties over love punk guitars"
So I feel like all I ever do is talk about my job, which probably bores the 3 people who read this journal to death, but today I went to a taping of Late Night with Conan O'Brien because José González was performing. It was fucking awesome, I must say the best sound I've ever heard José perform with... but of course a hushed TV studio with ideal acoustics isn't exactly the norm. Tried to go see Place to Bury Strangers (remember two years ago when
Jin and I totally
had the hots for their drummer?), What Made Milwaukee Famous and Th Faith Healers at Mercury, but ended up calling it an early night and not try to shift Earth and time and get on the list (seriously, I can't even get it up for shows anymore... I'm so burnt out. I need to take like a year-long nap, though I am extremely excited for I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness on Friday).
OK, time to watch Heathers on TiVo. Peeeeeace.