Jul 14, 2005 15:54
I got bad news when I came to work today. They are taking away the desk that I have used for almost 5 years here at the library. One of the new managers needs a desk with more space and since we little peasant students have the biggest one we are getting repossesed. Who is this asshole? Has he no ideas of the memories we have with this desk. I don't even have to look when I reach for things. I can just stick my hand where I need to and BOOM! Bazooka Joe! And now we have to lose our glorious wooden spacious desk for some smaller hunk of metal. We have to clean it out tomorrow so it can be moved Monday morning. This is why I need your help. I am starting a Save the Desk fund. This will be money to help me re-cooperate my loss. Please make cash, checks, and money orders to me. I will also take all credit cards and will return them when maxed.