Straws at Subway suck. They are so easy to break. Don't you hate it when you're trying to drink and air keeps getting in the straw? Damn you Subway bastards! I might get a higher chance of a liver shut down at McDonald's, but at they give me efficient durable straws. I recently met the most coolest guy online. His name is Adam and he's Puerto Rican. The funny part is that he kinda looks like me. He even has natural red hair. He doesn't really listen to my type of music but he hold really good conversations and he's very intellignet. The sucky part is that he lives in Florida. Woe is me, I think I have some type of curse. Any guy who could be great for me has to live at least 5 states away. I'm sick of this shit. We've talked online every night this week pretty much for hours. He has a webcam with audio so it's like I'm actually talking to him. I really enjoy his conversations and I really wanna get to know him better. I guess sometime people you could like don't always have to be into the same things as you, as long as they could respect them. Cherylee got back from Florida the other night. It's great having her back because now I have someone who enjoys the goodness of Great Wall, which is why he had a mandatory lunch there yesterday. Amanda Tofall and Val also arrived the other night from Tampa. Well they actually came from St. Louis but you get the picture. Annie and Amanda Guzik should be here later today, Ryan will probably be back next Wednesday, and Todd and Joan will be here a week before school starts. People are starting to flood in. Kristen and Kevin are also coming back from their study abroad and internships. Maybe this will be a promising semester.
Update: I just figured out how to put in the HTML, so here's Adam's pic.