May 17, 2005 21:57
One year ago today was the first day that gay couples could legally wed in Massachusetts.
I was very happy the day the Supreme Court decision was made in November 2003. But I was skeptical that gay marriage would ever come to pass in the U.S.. I certainly didn't imagine that so soon couples would already be celebrating their one year wedding anniversary.
The world hasn't come to an end. Straight marriages and families didn't shatter (any more than usual). Gay marriage didn't drag the country to hell.
On the other hand, George W. Bush was re-elected, along with all the baggage that comes with him. If I could chose, would I trade gay marriage for four fewer years of Bush? I don't want to even begin to think about it. I guess it's a mixed bag.
I watched coverage of the celebration on NECN's website. There was a strong sense of deja vu because last year on this day I watched the coverage online and saw myself in the newscast. I was standing in the background at the celebration in City Hall plaza. I kept hitting the back button and watching the clip again to make sure it was me. This time, among the shots of the party at the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston, who should I see but Ron and Don!
Ron and Don are a couple from our church who got married a few weeks after May 17th. We all went to their wedding. And there they were one year later celebrating their anniversary in Boston.