Garfield Logan : Bio And History At JLA_Watchtower.

Aug 18, 2004 00:01

Garfield Mark Logan("Gar")/Beast Boy

Garfield Logan was the child of two scientists, Mark and Marie Logan, who were infected with a rare tropical disease called Sakutia.
His father, desperate to save his infant son, used an experimental machine to isolate the shared gene between Humans and animals.

Gar recovered, but a side effect turned his skin to a green pigment.
A few years later, Marie Logan was threatened by a deadly Black Mamba snake, Gar's desire to rescue his mother bringing forth his powers, changing him into a mongoose to save her from the attacking animal.

Several years later, his parents died in a boating accident, an incident which Gar still feels he could have prevented in some way, shape or form.

After his parents' death, he returned to the United States, where, after a brief career as a young child star on a television show, he became a Titan.

A few years and several missions later, Gar's newest challenge is to help the newest Teen Titans fit into the same place he once was, young, uncertain, yet offering promise in their abilities to help to change the world for the better.

So far in the jla_watchtower universe, Gar has been nearly attacked by starfire_kory 's evilly aggressive yet somehow well-meaning "cousin-in-law" pharras for being a smart-alec(with poor hugo_clone taking the brunt of Pharras' annoyed aggression, ending up in Blüdhaven as the others find out too late to stop Pharras from leaving Earth with a pregnant Kory hostage, Gar's first idea after "babysitting" the Tower being to change the security system to better suit his psyche after the mission to get Kory and Luum safely back to Earth was a success), changed pigment from Green to White (losing his ability as a heavy price to be "normal") and back to Green again (and learning a few things along the way from his choices, and a lot about who he is), and he managed to also replace a damaged television he and Bart inadvertantly smashed. Again.

This has been but a brief overview of Gar's life thus far. For a very detailed look into his life, see "Titans Tower" and "It's Not Easy Being Green".

The first noted post has been found to be August 29th 2004, his first appearance was giving Pharras the kind of grief over the simple act of entering another's premises that even Mormons aren't subjected to (usually).
(In eerie and funny coincidence, August the 29th is also "Terminator 2"'s "Judgement Day", "The Terminator" starting on the Mun's birthday. Strange coincidences indeed.)
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