Oct 04, 2004 21:22
whoa day i have not updated in foreva. so things are going pretty good. school is alot harder then i thought it would be but what can i expect i am taking 400 level classes and i am at a university. my toughest class is computer technology for one thing i know nothing about computers secondly my teacher is a foreigner third is she gives us tons of info then gives us an exam with info not even on the test but its alright. i turn 21 in 10 days how exciting is that? pretty damn exciting. i have 2 midterms on my birthday so i can not go out for my hour of power but its alright i am going to vegas the day after my birthday with all of my family and crystal. my roommate chelsea might also go so i dont know we will see. the weather is freezing up here but its a nice change the scenery is beautiful and my apartment is way nice. for my casino management class i get to go on a field trip to vegas and see "vegas behind the scenes" im pretty stoked. robert and i had a huge fight but now we are getting along really well so that is very good. my critical writing leadership class is harder then i thought it would be i love to write but writing is not all that is in it. we have a special professor that just grades peoples papers for grammar and all that b.s we never even meet her just get papers back with red all over them then our leadership teacher is a little hippy that cries alot during class. so things are interesting. there are all these german kids in my class because there are 40 of them doing an exchange program and all majoring in HRM. if things go right i will be done in a year in a half but if i duel major instead of majoring and getting a minor then i have a good 2 years left. the jade meister called me the other day so i guess she is no longer mad which is good i dont want to have burnt bridges for stupid things i said or did before i left for flagstaff. my roommate lauren is way cool. she is just down to earth normal and fun. the other one is cool at times but is a little crazy. i have met these new friends mikala and robin who are alot of fun to be around. other then that i miss my parents but i get to see them in vegas then parents weekend then thanksgiving so i think that will be good for me. well im out.