I can't believe I forgot something...

Feb 10, 2005 13:05

Wow, I completely forgot to talk about Honor Band. I love honor band so much. I get to get away from the idiots that make up my band and play with people who really care about making music. Michelle stayed the weekend with me, which was great b/c she and I don't get to see each other that much anymore. So, we go to KMHS. See Hoskins, help set up, hunt down a microwave, and then start warming up. So, once more people got there, I just glanced around the ensemble and I saw a familiar face. It was Ben.

I don't think I've talked about Ben on here. Ben is a trumpet player from Campbell, the school that Hopper used to direct at. So, when we were up at UGA for Janfest, Campbell was there too. So, Brooke and I had auditioned already and were going to just sit outside for a while. We saw Hopper and stopped briefly to tell him where we were going. He was talking to some guy with gorgeous eyes who kept looking at me, so I just kinda waved and Brooke and I went on our way. Then, one night Campbell "ate" dinner with us (they actually ended up sitting at another table b/c there wasn't enough room at ours). So, once again, there's Ben. I really didn't get to know him at all that weekend. All I knew was he had pretty eyes, plays trumpet, drum major at Campbell, and a senior.

So, back to honor band, I saw him and just kinda waved to say hello and then didn't think another thing of it. But, during our break Friday night, he came over and talked to me. That was kind of a suprise, but I went with it. Turns out he was in my band last year at honor band and remembered me. I don't have any recollection of him whatsoever. His reason for remembering me - I was first chair bassoon (he likes the bassoon) and I had a lovely solo which my second chair tried to play when I was gone that morning. Ben said that he couldn't play it, which is why I'm first chair... duh. Anyways, I invited Ben to come to dinner with "the group" and he said he'd think about it. He ended up coming to both lunch and dinner with Michelle, Casey, and me Saturday. Then, Saturday night, I got his cell # so I could call him Sunday when we I got there to hear the 9/10 clinic and he could sit with Chelle and I.

So, we get there, call him, he's just leaving, so we just go and sit. He calls, he's on the other side of the auditorium and the concert's about to start, so I told him to not worry about it. But he doesn't listen, he comes and sits right before the lights went out. So, we listen to the little ones play and then go to our warm-up area. Warm-up and perform. It went alright. My solo's were fine, but in all, we sounded better Saturday night, but what can you do? So, Brooke, Cori, Joey, and Chelle's mommy were all there to listen to us and so afterwards, Chelle and I went to sit with them to listen to the real Honor Band. However, I see Ben come in and sit all by his lonesome, so I get up to go talk to him for a bit before the concert starts. So we talked for a while and then I got up and started down the row to get back to my bassoon and my friends but the lights dimmed as soon as I was half way down the row. So I ran back to sit next to him. He just laughed at me b/c I was worried about my bassoon. We sat and listened and then parted ways... or so I thought.

So everyone that came for Chelle and me were standing outside, contemplating on where to eat. However, I had no money, so I just decided to go home and do my homework. So Brooke, Michelle, Joey, and myself head to our side of the parking lot and look who's parked 2 cars down from me... Ben. Brooke and Chelle teased him, calling him a stalker, and we stood and chatted for a bit and then we finally parted ways.
Until Monday, when I called him to see if he knew about UGA audition stuff. Turns out I don't have to audition Saturday. I don't think I have to audition till I get there (if I get there).
So that was my weekend. This week included a 100 on a Calc quiz, but then I think I may have bombed today's quiz. Oh well... we'll see. I must get to reading and printing articles now for internship. Much <333
PS. If you read that all, you must be VERY bored.
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