Bachelor Party Weekend Mission....Sucess!

Jul 16, 2007 10:18

So over the weekend here I finish one of the major parts of my duties of best man for the wedding in a couple weeks, that being the duty of arranging a bachelor party. Oh and what a blast it was involving high speed chases, weird looks from old ladies and a hostile takeover of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Ok, so only some of that is true.

On Friday our major plan consisted of kidnapping our friend around 5:00 or so and then taking him to the local Putt Putt. However, this was only the final destination point. It all began with picking him up an blindfolding him. We then proceeded to drive all the way down to the Fairborn Commons mall area and turn around completely. Now where I live, that's maybe 20 odd miles away but traffic was a bit busy so in all we drove around for an hour to go some plae that's only 10 minutes from my friend's home. Needless to say, when we removed the blindfold, he was livid about the whole thing and we were delighting in our deeds. We played around a bit there before heading down to Best Buy to paw at things we would like to have if we had the money and rescheduled the night's events for Saturday. Since we only had 3 people, we figured it would be far less fun with just us and the bachelor and decided to just go back to the driver's home to eat pizza and watch movies. Afterwards, we headed home for the next day.
Friday's Mission: Complete!

Saturday of course was the meat and potatoes of the bachelor party deal as we began around 1:00 PM, reapplying the blindfold and drove to the bachelor's parent's house. We were going to rendezvous with his father there who would be accompanying us and amused ourselves in the meantime by poking and prodding our blinded friend to everyone's amusement. Maybe not his buuuut...Regardless, after picking up his dad, we headed down a little past Beavercreek area and went to The Greene, a little shopping complex sort of thing with all sorts of crazy trendy shit in it such as our lunch plans at the Cheesecake Factory. We planned to hit a movie too so we ordered dessert with our lunches, spoiling them in some cases. But there was a surprise in store for our guest of honor as it seems a certain LJ user typing right now had told the wait staff it was his birthday. The waiters came out and were surprised when he told them it was not his birthday but in fact his bachelor party, but nevertheless persevered and sang a rendition of "Happy Bachelor Party" with hilarious results. After the food we went to see the new Die Hard movie, despite having seen it previously. That movie can do no wrong in my eyes.
Once the movie was over, the blindfold was reapplied and we drove down near Cincinnati, stopping in Springdale to take our friend to the Dave and Buster's restaurant/video game place there. It was definitely a fun time, and a new experience as well as I don't think many of us had been to one at all. We ended up staying there, playing games for about 2 hours or so until leaving to go about 2 miles down the road and heading to the Mecca of our party: Hooter's. We had decided on Hooter's because you's a lot cleaner than strip clubs as we had originally planned to visit, and the girls are always yay. So while in the Hooter's, this is where our bachelor and myself finally let loose and had a couple. Now it was far more than I've ever drank, considering normally I have like a cup or q shot or something, I ended up having two whole bottles worth I still drank less than my friend who had decided, when the waitress brought out what kind of booze they had in the Smirnoff category and decided he couldn't decide and just ordered all four of them. Needless to say, I am glad our driver helped me foot the bill for him there, the damn lush. After our final meal together, we sighed and relaxed on the hour ride home. In all, the day had been won and I was full of apple and grape flavored alcohol which..kind of just made me sleepy.
Saturday's Mission: Complete!

And thus, I am still worn out from the weekend but I got time to make it up, especially considering summer class ended last week. Nothing left to do but wait for my grades.
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