Best Hetalia writer ever.

Mar 25, 2010 00:32

Don't care if she's a right wing, Fox News-watching and Obama-hating conservative. Ehren Hatten is just awesome for filling up Hetalia Axis Power for political stories as small gesture of hope to anyone left, right or centre that the Hetalia fandom is not completely taken over by Yaoi fangirls. I take a more academic approach to Hetalia so as such I'll never get why Russia is romantically paired up with any of the Baltic countries with the on-going 60 years of tension that in my mind makes them canonically enemies.

Now, hopefully this will encourage more political fics, left, right, socialist,centrists and nationalist whatever and no romance. RECs anyone?

Ehren Hatten, here's my 'tip of the hat' to you. Keep on 'ruining the Hetalia fandom' with your 'hate.'
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