Jan 12, 2010 14:17
If I am subject to the 'Het is Ew' trope.
I've been thinking about this because I consider Kuroko Shirai's antics towards Mikoto to be adorable even if it an obstacle to any chances of KurokoxMikoto becoming canon. And if there's one things we've learnt from anime it's that stalker tactics always fail and the character (Sakuya Kamiyama, Tamao Suzumi) who uses it gets punished in the end in that said-person being stalked does not return said affections.
And at the same time I remember a few years ago that I consider the same clingy behaviour by Sakura towards Sasuke to be completely annoying and hence I ended up hating Pre-Ts Sakura.
Or could it just be that I disliked Sakura moreso for the fact that she contributed nothing and only obsessed over Sasuke while Kuroko does get serious in a fight and hence does more then just obsessing over Mikoto. But at the same time, I'm a fan of MikotoxKuroko because it's so horribly one sided and said tactics used by Kuroko is what makes it so awesome and hilarious.
And I would like the answer to the question if I am subject to the Het is Ew trope because it does make me feel like a hypocrite given how I criticise the yaoi/slash fans for it.
On another note, to resolve the issue of shipping I suggest KurokoxMikoto for the spinoff and ToumaxMikoto in the main series. Or better yet ToumaxKurokoxMikoto ot3 for both series.
to aru kagaku no railgun,