On the 8th Day of Christmas

Dec 21, 2009 11:59

Kay...I look up 'War' for photobucket album and all I get is some Edward Cullen fap material for Twoilet fans. In other news, sadly another celebrity has bitten the dust with Brittany Murphy dying of a heart attack. Speaking of celebrity, Gareth Thomas has been launched to instant fame by coming out (I never knew who he was before not that I care now since I never watched Rugby, League all the way!) not that that really matters too much since to me he's still a piss boring union player. Only now, he's a gay piss boring union player. It seems being the 1st gay something is becoming a much fussed about role like the 1st black American something. I'm not so sure about this minority mindset so I suppose it's a great achievement if I was in their community but here's a thought experiment. If there was a gay Republican Presidential Candidate who ran on near completely conservative agenda despite support for gay rights, pro-life, pro-big business, pro-oil, pro-capitalism, pro-tearing down of trees for industry, pro-Iraq War, pro-American Intervention and an all-round Global Warming skeptic would that make him electable for his conservative views, just being gay or unelectable for his views or just being gay?

On the topic of Global Warming, Copenhagen has failed miserably so let the political blame games begin. *roll eyes* But back to the 1st something, it would seem that Mary Mackillop is becoming Australia's first saint for curing two guys of cancer. Now while being a skeptic I find miracles hard to believe and she's fairly insignificant in my life since I'm not a Catholic I still feel a sense of elation at the thought of Australia's 1st Saint. As long as it's Australia's first something, I'm fine with it. Screw anti-theism, patriotism comes first folks.

But enough of my rant, let's get onto this blog post in the countdown to Christmas.
5 thing you may or may not know about 'I saw three ships'
1. believed to be an English carol from the Victorian era.
2. earliest printed version is from the 17th century, possibly Derbyshire.
3. arrangement by Martin Shaw appears in the The Oxford Book of Carols
4 . The legend about sailing into landlocked Bethlehem can be traced back to the 12th century when three ships brought the relics of the purported Wise Men to Koln, Germany.
5."three ships" refers to the belief that there were three Wise Men - which comes from the number of gifts I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning.

And what was in those ships all three,
\On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day?
And what was in those ships all three,
On Christmas Day in the morning?

The Virgin Mary and Christ were there,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
The Virgin Mary and Christ were there,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

Pray, wither sailed those ships all three,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
Pray, wither sailed those ships all three,
On Christmas Day in the morning?

O they sailed into Bethlehem,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
O they sailed into Bethlehem,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the bells on earth shall ring,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
And all the bells on earth shall ring,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the Angels in Heaven shall sing,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
And all the Angels in Heaven shall sing,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

And all the souls on earth shall sing,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
And all the souls on earth shall sing,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

Then let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
Then let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day in the morning.

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boring rugby union, sport, christianity, rants, christmas, christmas carol, news, catholicism, gay

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