So many pedos in art...

Jul 09, 2008 13:44

There's been a lot of bitching the past couple of months about 'pedophilia' in the art world here in oz. (i.e Bill Henson and that woman what'shername) And there's been heaps of outrage against the artists for their 'pedophilia' and 'sexualisation' of children. Now I won't be taking a moral highground on this debate as I am probably in no position to do so (not that I'm a pedo) but I suppose that this yet again one of those occasions where the art has faced backlash for controversial depictions of sex. In case you don't know Michaelangelo pretty much committed 'blasphemy' for drawing dicks on the Sistine Chapel in the original version of the Last Judgement before it was censored.

Though I do have one question about this 'pedophilia'. Why are you complainining about this 'pedophilia' in these pictures when there are artists out there who are ten times worst. Some asian wannabe Rudd is, obviously he hasn't heard of hentai. Cause really I've seen lolicon hentai and doujins which are a thousand times worst then these 'graphic sexualisation of children'. And you only need to go as far as google, safe search off to find these images. So really, given the content of these images on the internet why haven't they been bitched about yet? 

art, australia, media, australian media

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