Uber special 'sexclusive'

Jun 05, 2008 17:40

Only 54% fresh on Rottentomatoes, LOL. So much for getting 'carried away'.

Yesterday the most likely overrated Sex and the City movie came out in cinemas in Oz. Firstly, I'd like to say that yes I have watched some episodes and I must say they must be the most boring trite ever. I certainly did not see any full-frontal nudity (so much for the 'sex' part).

Moving on though, any possibility of me even remotely enjoying the film has been ruined by all the bullshit hype in the media. For the past three days all I've been reading and hearing in the media about is Sex and the City this and Sex and the City that. Shut the fuck up already! Speaking of sex, Channel 9 must be on it's hands and knees getting some in the rear from the producers cause for the past three days or so they've been constantly going around flaunting about their 'OMG, sexclusives'. Another prominent program that decided to jump on the Sexclusive bandwagon was the Footy Show who couldn't help but do another Channel 9 sexclusive for their 400th episode. What the fuck does 'that' have to do with NRL, anyway? I'm honestly sick and tired from all this Sex and the City hype. It'd probably be a shit movie anyway given what I've learnt about 'hype' after watching those overhyped threequels of 07.

Still, I'm comforted to know that I am not alone in the Sex and the City hate brigade, Fiona Conolly is on the side of the SATC haters as well. Even though I don't agree with her participation in the tabloid 'Sydney Confidential' her negative rant on this movie is quite brilliant.

rants, media, rant, film, ranting, movie, channel 9, australian media

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