In other news

Apr 14, 2008 13:12

Jimmy Barnes: Seriously, what the hell does a charity walk have to do with the Olympics besides the obvious use of the national icon 'the Stone Dragon'. And why the hell are you quitting the charity walk in the first place considering it's positive causes just to boycott the Olympics? Ah Olympic boycotters, what will you think of next?

Hashish-flavoured condoms: So some dumbcunt from Queensland has decided to swallow a bunch of condoms filled with hashish in order to traffic it. However, it backfired when one of the condoms ruptured and fucked up his plan. Don't you just love it when criminals fuck up?

Channel Seven: Special opportunity today to give a big 'fuck you' to Channel Seven. Fuck you indeed for cancelling 'Seven Wonders of the Industrial World' in favour of 'Bond Night' just cause it was getting screwed over in ratings by Underbelly. Who fucking gives a shit? Just when I thought I couldn't hate you more.

Canal Road: Yet another show full of sex, sex and more sex on Channel Nine. Geez, Channel Nine is desperate (no pun intended). Let's hope Channel Nine won't overtake SBS in dodginess. Thankfully, this Friday's documentary is sure to put Channel Nine on show and reaffirm their status as the 'Sex and Bloody Soccer' Channel.

Years of Rice and Salt: So I'm reading this book right now called 'Years of Rice and Salt'. It's yet another alternate history (a genre which I've been hooked on ever since Temeraire) and it's about a world where Europeans and Christianity never came to dominate our planet because of a more virulent bubonic plague and as a result Asians and Islam takes it's place in colonising the New World, advancing scientific understanding etc. Brilliant book but I can't help but feel pissed that once again Australia has been left out of the picture. Australia or Aozhou in the book is only briefly mentioned by characters as being colonised by the Chinese and that's about all we get. I mean seriously, I wouldn't mind reading about the lives of Aboriginals and struggle for land rights under the Chinese and possibly the Stolen Generation.

I should also use this opportunity to point out my displeasure at another book (series) named Hungry City Chronicles where Australia has once again been left out of the picture. Hello, we exist down here! If you know any other books about a brave new world which has been altered as a result of a certain event (60 Minute War/Black Death) where Australia has been completely forgotten and left out do point it out here.

Cate Blanchett's Kiddie: Cate Blanchett has had a kid named 'Ignatius Martin Upton'. Exactly what is it with celebrities and exotic names?

Edit: It seems that Kevin Rudd decided to shower Cate Blanchett's kiddie with presents instead of going to the funeral of John Button. Yep, our PM is a dumbass with screwed over priorities and a serious case of Celebrity Worship Syndrome.

television, rants, news, rant, ranting, queensland, channel seven, books, novels, tv, channel nine

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