15:02 10.08.2013
(c) Ai Xuan
My anxiety is getting higher somehow. Some words I hear or read can make me worried so much. The time is getting closer and closer. I am afraid that in this awaiting shakes I can forget anything. Or I will not do something. I want to keep my usual life. I am trying so as much as I can. We both pray to our universe for better end. What is most interesting, it seems that Akshay is calm like breathing yogi! Maybe he just masks so capably!
I do my stuff almost as efficient as I do in average. That is good. Maybe I loose too much time for stuff. I have no idea how to deal with my current state of mind. All I do are drawing, reading books and practicing yoga. I should promise that the next week I do some posts about my travel to India with Akshay, which happened this June. There are so many stories which I can tell. So I will make a few posts. Next week I will start.
By the way, I have created a
new livejournal account, especially for translating my Russian wordpress blog into. I wrote about
the blog recently. It is quite empty so far, because the blog itself is new. Welcome there if you would like to read in Russian. The content of these two blogs will be slightly or completely different, not a traslation. However, I think posts about recent events, I would like to put in both of them.
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