
Aug 18, 2008 18:55

So I have decided on who I am going to vote for president. Its not someone who I completely agree with, but it is someone who I think would do what is best for the people of the United States of America. Personally I am somewhere in the middle between conservatives and liberals. I am fiscally conservative, but on social issues I lean more to the left. I am going to be very honest with my opinions and I'm sorry if anyone gets offended by them. So here are the deciding factors and I'm sure you can put the pieces together and figure out who it is.

1. Abortion: When it comes to abortion I am pro-choice. I think its horrible for someone to actually have an abortion, but I see it this way. If a women is raped and becomes pregnant she should have options. I know if that ever happened to me there is no way in hell I'm giving birth to some rapist's baby.
2. Family Planning: The person I am voting for has a realistic view of family planning and knows that abstinence doesn't work, but education does. It has been proven by looking at developing countries where sex education and condoms were handed out which drastically reduced the spread of AIDS and STDs.
3. Offshore Drilling: It is not a solution whatsoever. First of all it is going to take years to get the oil and by the time we do I doubt it will lower the prices. Second it will harm our environment and third we need to focus on weening ourselves off oil as much as possible.
4. The War in Iraq: We need to get out of there ASAP. This war is based on lies! I could say a whole lot more, but anyways this is pretty much why I will vote for this person.
5. Big Corporations give less money to this person: Hmm.. Now why is this? Well obviously this person must not want to give them as many tax breaks. Obviously the "trickle down effect" never worked especially when most of these companies are outsourcing and taking away jobs from hard working Americans. Thus providing the big wigs of these companies with more shiny toys like new yachts and Italian cars while the gap between the rich and the poor gets even bigger.
6. The value of the dollar: I believe this person will support strong economic policies that will boost our economy and raise the value of the dollar unlike the party in office now. The so-called "fiscally responsible party" that is (note sarcasm).
7. Checks and Balances: The current president has overstepped his constitutional boundaries as president and has acted very reckless. This is high treason and the person I am voting for wants to restore the checks and balances and bring those who violated them to justice.
8. Education: Looking at what the current administration has done to the education system (unfunded government mandates, calling the teacher's unions "terrorists", school vouchers, etc.) I think that pretty much explains everything..
9. Voting: Just look at their voting records. I might disagree with both candidates on some of the issues they voted on, but I will definitely not pick the one who now votes consistently with the current administration.
10. Character: One went to Harvard, is an eloquent speaker, and based on what I said above I believe will do what is right for America. The other candidate is touted as being a war hero yet he supports the Iraq war now! I honestly believe he is like a walking Tom Clancy action figure that is going to get us all freaking killed.

You know I am really getting tired of some people inferring that there is some kind of conspiracy, because Barack Obama's middle name is Hussein. Ok here is a little history that might be enlightening to some people.
Did you know that George Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush had ties with the Nazi party and even had plans to overthrow the American government? Or that daddy Bush sat on the board of the Carlyle group with the Bin Ladens several months after the 9/11 attacks? And that the Bin Ladens that were in the U.S. after the attacks were flown directly out when all the other planes were grounded without being questioned? John Mccain is voting 100% with Bush nowadays and that scares me a lot more than just a name or color of someone's skin. John McCain is such a fake Christian. He is not even president yet and he wants to start another war. Why are republicans so trigger happy? Its like he wants to see the world burn. Whatever happened to though shall not kill? Lets also not forget about though shall not commit adultery? I just can't bring myself to vote for someone that would cheat on his wife and leave her for someone else especially after she was in a horrible accident. I keep hearing people questioning Obama's faith and worrying about what his pastor has said. So it doesn't worry you that John McCain's pastor talks about how he wants us to attack Iran so we can fulfill biblical prophecy? If you are ready for the "end times" then vote John McCain b/c he's going to get us all blown the f*** up.
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