Happy birthday greetings

Feb 24, 2006 14:24

I figured i havent posted in forever so on my birthday I would drop a line out. So this is turning out to be a purdy good birthday so far. I won poker last night, my girlfriend stayed over and its just always great sleeping in the same bed with her. I woke up late this morning and it took me a record time to get to my office (25 minutes from door to door) and I beat almost everyone else there. This way I can be like I was here so early which is why I can leave so early. My brother and his fiance are taking me and lea out to dinner. This is good because this way I can get him on the ball with deciding which Tuxedos to buy for his wedding (He is thinking about half coats with tails right now and maybe going spectator with gray pants and black jackets). My parents are away for the weekend so I can use the house for any sort of parties that I want, but Lea already has a party planned at her apartment for saturday. Maybe I will have a small thing at the parents place tonight as well. Everyone at work thought I was 28-29 and were all very surprised to find out that I am only 25. i think it has to do with if I have shaved recently or not. Anyway, pretty good birthday. My New job is going great. I seem to be impressing people very much with my knowledge of the job. I only have 2 years experience and I know more then most of the other people at my level. There are some guys who know their stuff, but most people are just like give me a step by step and I think I can do it.

3 or 4 weeks ago I was asked by my boss and his boss if I knew anything about slug testing. It is on my resume that I know how to do it, so I say yeah I do. They say great we need you to teach these people how to do it. They give me a list of like 20 people from 4 different offices. most of these people are project managers and managers (my boss' and their boss'). So one freezing cold January day, I took them all out into the field and showed them how to get it done. It took 5 hours in 0 degree weather. They were all complaining about the cold and everything and I told them to suck it up. I was joking and they got the joke, which needless to say was good. They all took me out to lunch afterward and couldnt stop complementing me. This was great because at this point I thought I was doing a mediocre job. I told them how I thought I was doing and they all said that was totally untrue. They tell me my direct boss brags about me to the other PMs and that he couldnt be happier. That was such a relief to hear. I could have sworn that I wasnt working up to the par I thought I should be. In this company the people at my level usually take 5-7 years to get to the next level and they say if I keep up the good work it might only take me 2 or 3 years. This would be awesome. Its a long way in the future though and its hard to say where I am going to be, but if I keep up the good work maybe they will compensate me in my salary. We will just have to wait and see.
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